Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Citizens Express

Citizens Express blog is birthed out of a discussion I had with my husband Marlon Parker this morning. He was chatting to me about the 27 dinner he attend last night. He said the response he got after his talk was overwhelming.

I would like to use this as a platform for citizens to express how they feel or how they have been affected by systems of authority.

I volunteer at a Non-Profit organisation called Impact Direct in Athlone. They have just updated their website: www.impactdirect.org.za (I will give you more info on them later). One of the latest and most exciting projects they are running is the reconstructed project with ex-drug addicts and gangsters. Please check out their website: www.thereconstructed.com and www.mom2zero.com.

So back to the citizens: I know for a fact that there are lots of people out there who have been let down and dissappointed by either government or other forms of authority. Impact Direct have been running this reconstructed programme for nearly 2 years already. I have personally written proposals and requested funding from the Department of Social Development. We have submitted these proposals 3 times already and received no response. Once you read up on the project you will note how successful this project is and how much help is been given to people that really need it. So, on Friday Morning Live hosted the show at the Impact Direct centre. SABC invited Social Development, the MEC of Safety and Security and the Premier of the Western Cape. Impact Direct was carrying on as per normal preparing for Friday, when we were requested to submit another proposal by Social Development (we just handed exactly the same one we handed in on 3 different occassions).
Please read the next post to follow this story...

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